5 Creative Ideas for the First Date

2 in a billion, creative ideas for first date

So, you have finally taken your courage in both hands and asked her out. Or if you are a brave girl, you asked him out… Either way, congratulations! Who knows, you may be dating the love your life. But until it gets that big and serious, you have a few more things that need settled and fixed, such as the first date. What to do? What to do? It is an important moment and depending on how it goes, it can leave her / him wanting for more or it can ruin the relationship before it actually gets started. Now, there is no need to panic or to start searching for the most expensive and extravagant places you can go to. Keep in mind: simple is always better! And if your mind is still blank with regards to where to go and what to do, remember that this is why you have us for. 🙂

1. Do Your Research2 in a billion, first date, research

We’re not asking you to investigate their whole life and stalk them in real life or online. No really, don’t do that! It’s scary and you’ll be perceived as a freak. Instead, you can find out what the other one likes by simply asking their friends. Make sure the friends can keep the secret. Some of the things you may need to find out are their hobbies, their favorite cafes / restaurants / bars or their favorite areas of the city. This information will definitely give you a hint on what to do on the first date. If you want to impress your partner, you will most certainly not take them to a rock metal club when they enjoy peaceful cafes and classical music! In fact, the best tip would be to not go to any club with loud music at all, because you need a quiet place to sit and talk.

Step 1: As already listed, try to find out what their favorite hangout is. It shouldn’t be that hard.

Step 2: Go there beforehand, book a table and tip the waiter or the owner to buy some beautiful fresh flowers for that exact day and time and ask them to bring them to your table after you have ordered your beverages.

Step 3: Meet with your partner and simply walk through the city, but make sure that you don’t go too far from their special place. When you get near it, act surprised and say something like “Oh, what a nice place. Let’s go get a coffee!”. When you get inside, she will see that you have already booked the table and that you already knew this is her favorite place, meaning that you have put a lot of thought into this date. But wait, this is not all!

Step 4: As mentioned at Step 2, at some point, the waiter will bring her the flowers where she will find a card from you. Try to write something funny or representative for you such as “For a beautiful girl, from the handsome guy sitting in front of her”. She will have a double surprise with this date: the fact that you knew what her favorite place is and the flowers. There will also be a bonus: the card.

If you’re a girl asking him out, it would be nice if you’d skip the flowers… You can keep the idea with the card though. 😀

2. Childish First Date

2 in a billion, childish first dateA first date with a theme is something that will help you be more organized and basically, will give you a hint on what you can do. How about that you both return to childhood for one day and do all the childish things possible.

Step 1: If you have one in the area you live, go to a theme park. If not, simply go to a kids’ park and play in a swing.

Step 2: Go to a more quiet park and play hide and seek. It’s a bit risky, as you could come across other people (literally…), but hey, you do need some adventure in that date of yours, don’t you?

Step 3: Buy tons of sweets and eat them. Eat ice cream, lollipops, candies, chocolate, jellies, cotton candy etc. Just forget about that annoying diet for one day and live your life!

It would be both interesting and lots of fun to discover the child in you and it is the kind of first date that brings you together without even noticing, through laughter and the joy of living.

3. The Unexpected First Date

We called it “unexpected” because not even you, who will2 in a billion, first date, train journey be organizing it, won’t really know what will happen. This tip works great if you are both adventurous persons. So, basically, you will be heading for a walk in the park, for example, but at one point you change your mind and decide to go to station and get on the first train. Do ask her / him before if they want to do this. You wouldn’t want to spend the first date at the police station instead, being accused of kidnapping, would you?

Step 1: So, once you have cleared this up, you can get on the first train that arrives in the station and get down at the first stop, whatever that would be. If it’s unknown for the both of you, it’s even better.

Step 2: Try to find a cafe / a park / a quiet pub etc. in that area and have your first date there. It will be extremely interesting and bonding to discover a new place together.

Step 3: This is for the lucky ones who leave nearby the seaside (and have their first date in the warm season :P) – take the train till there and go on the beach. You can have a picnic there or drink a bottle of wine and wait for the sunshine. It will definitely be a first special moment for the two of you that you will remember for the rest of your relationship.

4. The “Left, Right, Left” First Date

Don’t worry, we’re not sending you in the army (not yet…). 2 in a billion, first date, surprising ideasNo seriously, we’re just proposing a game that will surely make your first date interesting. Hint: you will need post-it notes and a pen.

Step 1: Meet with her / him and offer them to play a game so as to find out where your date will be. Take out the post-it notes and the pen and ask her / him to write “left” on a few notes and “right” on a few other. Crinkle them and keep them in a pocket, a bag or in your hand.

Step 2: Keep walking and at some point ask them to choose one of the notes and do what is written there. So, if it says “right”, go right and if it says “left” go left. Then you choose one of the notes and do the same and so on until there is no note left. You will hold your first date in the place that you’ll reach by playing this game. It can be a bar, a park, a bench on the street, a mall or who knows what else? We only hope that it’s not a dead end… Just kidding. 😀 The point is that you will have an interesting, creative, funny and surprising date and we do hope that it will also be memorable.

5. The “Not-So-Ordinary” Dinner

2 in a billion, creative first date, creative dinnerWe all know that taking him / her to dinner makes the most ordinary first date. So, how about you give it a little twist and transform it into a special dinner.

Step 1: Pick a quiet restaurant with good food and a rich menu.

Step 2: After the waiter brings in the menus, tell your partner to pick the dish for you and you do the vice versa. It will be interesting to see what you choose for one another and if you will be able to guess the partner’s tastes when it comes to food. From here, you can always start a conversation on favorite food items and dishes, favorite restaurants, favorite things to do etc. and you will get to know each other.

If you fail in choosing the right plates for each other, don’t worry. There will surely be a fast-food on your way home. 😛

These are our top 5 creative ideas for a first date and we are positive that you can also find many other interesting and original things to do that will help you impress your partner. Just open up your mind and let your imagination do the rest.

Let us know if you have tried one of the above ideas or if you had an unusual idea of your own and how it went.

One Reply to “5 Creative Ideas for the First Date”

  1. Wow, these are some AWESOME ideas, super fun an creative. Can’t wait to use a few of them. Keep up the creative work!

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