Creative Gift Ideas for His Birthday(and what makes them so unique)

creative gift ideas boyfriend partner

“OMG, it’s his birthday again. Already? When did another year pass by? OK, this doesn’t matter right now, all that matters is that I have to think fast about what gift to get because his birthday is like in… 2 days…”. I’m sure that I’m not the only one who has this monologue in her head every time her boyfriend’s birthday is approaching. There are, of course, those women who think well in advance and prepare an entire birthday strategy, but this just isn’t me, and I always have to catch up in the last minute. Well, not literally… Literally, it would be approximately one week, which is enough time to prepare or purchase a creative gift to surprise your half. So, if you are out of ideas and stressed out that your boyfriend’s birthday is approaching faster than a supersonic rocket, just sit down, relax and have a look at this article. Ladies, Andreea comes to your rescue! 🙂

1. Boys’ Night

gift-ideas-boys-nightI know, it’s his birthday and you want to be next to him. After all, he can have a boys’ night any other night. Well, this is true, but this special meeting with the boys organized by you will blow his mind for the simple reason that he won’t expect it. And, in order to be fair to you too, you can prepare another special night for you two. So, he will celebrate his birthday twice. Lucky him! 😛

I have 2 options for you.

Option 1: It’s time for football (or any other sport he likes)! Nurture his hobby and organize a football night with his friends without him knowing, of course. Talk to his best friends and ask them to come over for a different kind of surprise party – a football night. If there isn’t any football game with his favorite team playing exactly on his birthday, you can organize this entire event before or after. It will be even more surprising for him. So, once you have set the date with his friends, go buy all the packs of beer in the supermarket. No, just kidding, but do make sure there is enough beer. You don’t want the boys to get thirsty. 😀 Then, order a few pizzas for the night, have the friends come over before he gets home from work, leave home and let them wait for him. When he arrives, he will expect to see you, but instead he will see his pals with tons of beer and pizza and the game on. So that he knows it was you who organized the “devilish” meeting, you can leave him a gift on the bed with a note from you. Make sure the gift is related to the entire football night. For example, you can get him a t-shirt or scarf with his favorite team or a Foosball Game from Amazon or so that he can play even more football after watching football… Redundant, I know….

Option 2: Switch the football with the video games and organize a game night. Nothing else will change, except the fact that he will come home to play his favorite video game, not watch his favorite team playing. It will still be an enchantment for him. 🙂 In this case, you can switch the t-shirts and the Foosball game with more appropriate gifts such as a new video game .

This kind of night offers everything you would want from a gift: it’s surprising, interesting, creative, entertaining and memorable. And after showing him that you support his passions, he may just love you a bit more! 😛

2. Send him fishing2 in a billion, creative ideas, boyfriend's birthday, fishing

No, we’re not sending him once again away from you on his birthday. For the moment, you can just equip him for the fishing session and send him “chase” fish later. So, if your boyfriend / husband is a passionate fisherman, then a nice and complete fishing set will make him happy as a child. If you’re from Europe, you can find that set here. Who else besides him knows what a complete fishing set is and how it should look like? It’s definitely not you, but his friends will surely know, so ask for an advice.

To make it even more interesting, you can get one of those small inflating pools, fill it with water and add a few plastic fish in it. Tell him to fish some of those poor plastic captures and after he gives you that look of “woman, have you gone crazy!”, you can complete by saying: “get one with this brand new fishing set you have”. It will help you “wrap” the present in a funny situation and he will like it even more. Again, it will show that you love him and support his hobbies.

3. Make him a superstar

2 in a billion, gift ideas, superstarWomen are not the only ones who dream of themselves on the cover of a glossy magazine. Men also want to stand out and be the center of attention. They may not want their faces printed on an all shiny and pink cover, but what if that cover would belong to a financial magazine or a sports one? Hmm… it’s getting more and more interesting.

So, what is this all about? It’s simple: make him a superstar for one day and actually print a magazine about him. The preparation for this gift might take a little while, but the result will be amazing. Talk to a local printing company to help you print the first issue of <insert boyfriend’s name here> magazine. Look for a nice picture of him to have printed on the cover and for other pictures of him and you for the other pages. Inside, instead of glossy or financial articles, you can insert stories about you two, how you met, the stupidest things you’ve done together, 10 reasons why you love him, etc. You can even add pictures of him as a child and stories that you know about him before he met you. It’s a funny, emotional and lasting gift that will reinforce your love for him. After all, he is a superstar for you. 🙂

4. Make him the ultimate birthday cake

What does an ultimate birthday cake mean and how does it look like? Well, we don’t really know that because you will be the one who will decide this. A bit confused? Well, to make it short, you will basically prepare the cake from what he likes the most. If he likes burgers, you will make him a “burger cake”, if he likes bacon, you will make him a “bacon cake”, if he likes French fries, you will make him a “French fries cake” and so on. Just decide what is the food that he likes the most and try to make that food look like a real cake. This is the trickiest part, of course, but nothing good comes without effort. However, you may want to call your mother or his mother over to help you with this. 😀

Don’t forget to put the candles on! Even if this cake turns out to be a failure in terms of look and / or taste, he will definitely appreciate the gesture and the fact that you have thought of his gastronomical preferences and probably his hunger. 🙂

5. Dates in a journal

2 in a billion, creative gift ideas, leather journalAn old style journal covered in leather like this one will definitely be appealing for him. Or maybe he prefers something more manly like this journal. Whatever the model, they look elegant and classy and they make a great and creative alternative to the numerous and always the same online calendars. They can also make great travel journals or, if you want to be more ingenious, you can transform them into photo albums.

Tip: Leave him messages on the pages with the more important dates for the two of you and for him. They can be funny, touchy, sentimental or motivational, just find the right tone for him. This way, the journal will also have a more personal touch.

6. A wine as old as him

2 in a billion, gift ideas, wine tasting, old wine bottleMen love beer, but a glass of wine doesn’t sound bad either. So, how about inviting him to a wine tasting? You will definitely find one in the area you live or close to it. If he’s never done this before, it will surely be an exciting experience for him and will also give you the opportunity as a couple to do something different and escape the routine.

But wait, this is not all! After the wine tasting has finished, you can offer him a special gift related to this activity: a bottle of wine from the same year he was born. It will be that distinct gift that he can preserve over the years or only open for a very special occasion.

This is my list of creative gift ideas for your boyfriend’s birthday. How about you? If you have an interesting gift idea that you want to share with us, we will be more than happy to hear it. 🙂

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