Dinner for Two. Untapped Ideas and Tips

2 in a billion creative ideas for special dinner in two

Dinners are probably some of the most used pretexts for first dates, marriage proposals, birthdays, wedding anniversaries etc. Sometimes, they can be a simple excuse to just get out of the house and do something “special”. But is going to the same old restaurant and ordering some delicacy and a fine bottle of wine really special? After all, you have done this tons of times before and people all over the world are doing it on a regular basis. Of course, it’s all about the occasion, but don’t you sometimes feel the need for something more than just a simple dinner? Don’t you want to get out of that monotony that kills you day by day? Okey, I might be a bit too dramatic, but the point is that from time to time, both of you will need to press the refresh button of your life together and go for a dinner… with a twist. 🙂 These amazing tips for a dinner in two have been carefully selected for you.

1. The “Don’t Know Where” Dinner

2 in a billion creative ideas for dinner for twoBasically, this dinner involves no plan. You just get out for a walk and stop at the very first restaurant that comes your way and have your dinner there. Chances are that it won’t be the fanciest restaurant out there, but hey, it’s all about the adventure and the novelty. Once you get there, order something that you have never tried before so as to make it a whole new experience. Even though you’ll not end up in a 5-star restaurant, this adventure is about the fun it involves and not about eating the best dishes in town. You will also have the chance to try a new restaurant and who knows, you might even like it. 🙂 However, for extra safety, read the tips below:

Tip 1: If the first restaurant that comes your way is the one that you frequently visit, just skip it and go for the next one. The secret is to find one that you have never visited or visited less.

Tip 2: If the eatery you find looks more like a shelter for bugs than a restaurant aka is not clean and trustworthy, it’s useless to say that you must skip it…

2. The “Picnic in the House” Dinnertips-for-dinner-for-two

Picnics are great for discovering the outdoors (and eating delicious foods… :P), but when it’s cold outside or you simply don’t want to get out, what you do? A home picnic! You can prepare it together or use it as a surprise for him/her.

Prepare some simple food, as you would do for a real picnic, and put it in a basket. Take 2 plates, some cutlery, 2 glasses and a bottle of wine / champagne/ 2 beers etc. and go for a picnic in the living room, not before laying a blanket in the middle of the room ;). Light up a few candles and put on some ambient music so as to feel relaxed as you would under the open sky. The idea is ridiculously simple, but it’s efficient and will give you that feeling of doing something truly special and creative.

3. The “Dessert” Dinner

2 in a billion dinner for two ideasSkip the main courses and go straight for the dessert. After all, this is the most appealing part about a dinner… So, try to design an entire dinner around desserts. However, do make sure that you have eaten something “serious” prior to this. You don’t want to end up your night in the emergencies room. That being said, go out hunting for some pastry shops. Choose 2 or 3 of them and try the most “outrageous” sweets out there. Consume them with a glass of sweet white wine or sweet champagne so as to get that “dinner” feeling. Also, don’t forget about the candles. 😉

If you want to feel like on a real dinner, you can skip the pastry shops, go to a real restaurant and order just the dessert. The budget solution is to prepare a homemade cake or pie and have your dessert dinner at home. Don’t forget about the wine in neither of these situations.

This is a fun twist for your dinner and even if you’ll have to do some extra miles on the treadmill the next day, the memory of a dinner made up only from desserts is priceless and unique.

4. The Rooftop Dinner

We’re not talking about a rooftop restaurant, as this would be too boring. We’re talking about a real rooftop that will be the setting for your dinner. You can use the one above your building or the neighbor’s rooftop, it doesn’t matter. Just find one and start planning. For this type of dinner, you will need picnic-like foods, as it can be quite difficult to climb up the roof with a table and 2 chairs. However, if you can do this, it’s brilliant. Make sure you plan the dinner around sunset so as to assure a magnificent view while enjoying your dinner. Also, don’t forget the wine (do I still need to repeat this?).

This will really be a special dinner and you won’t have to go that far away from home or spend a fortune to make it happen. It can be extremely simple, as long as you’re together and the view from the rooftop embraces you.

5. The “Theme” Dinner2 in a billion creative dinner ideas and tips

And we’ve got to a point where the possibilities are literally endless because you get to choose the theme and you can change it over and over again. This way, you will always have something new to do and try in terms of dinners and you won’t get stuck in the routine.

Basically, you will have to build the dinner around a theme and respect that theme thoroughly. It can be anything, from Mexican dinner or Christmas dinner in the summer to “what’s your favorite meal” dinner or football dinner. It’s really up to you, but try to use the theme as much as possible.

For example, with the Mexican dinner, you must consume only Mexican food and Mexican drinks, listen to Mexican music and, if possible, dress like Mexicans, or at least put on some sombreros. 🙂 We guarantee you that you’ll have lots of fun and laughs and you’ll want to repeat the experience, with another theme of course. Just think of something you like or you want to try, see how you can integrate it with your dinner and there you have the theme. Let your mind flow freely and I’m sure that you can come up with amazing theme dinners that you’ll both remember over the years.

These are out top 5 creative tips for a dinner for two. Do you have a special dinner experience that you want to share with us? Let us know about it in the comments section below this article. 🙂

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