Top 6 Cities and Places in Asia for Digital Nomads

If you are someone who makes money from home, then you depend on your laptop and Internet connection to do your work. Therefore, traveling to new places seems unlikely to happen, especially if you’re new to freelance life. You may be trading Forex to make money, and you cannot stop monitoring the market for too long. But luckily, even if you are trading with LiteForex and you’re still trying to learn more about the relative strength index, you can do this while traveling.
Asia has some wonderful locations for digital nomads, where you can enjoy the experience of a new place while finishing your work for the day. Here, you will discover some places that will be perfect for mixing work with leisure time.
1. Penang, Malaysia
Penang is located in Malaysia and is one of the greatest places to visit, especially if you are someone who loves delicious food. This state is situated on the Thai-Malaysian border and is, in fact, an island where you can relax after a hard trading day. It also has an interesting history and the capital, George Town, is one of the best places to discover it.
2. Singapore
You shouldn’t miss the beauty of Singapore, especially if you want to travel to an International financial centre. This place has amazing Internet that allows you to work properly, but it also has some stunning spots and great restaurants where you can spend your free time. You will be able to work while enjoying the beauty of the place. The only downside is the fact that the average living costs are pretty high.
Singapore is also a great place to go to if you are into Forex trading. This place is slowly but surely becoming an economic powerhouse, one that attracts Forex brokers to seek investments there.
While you’re there, you should consider visiting Singapore’s Natural History Museum and try some Nasi Lemak. You won’t regret it.
3. Tokyo, Japan
If you want to splurge, you should certainly visit Tokyo. It is one of the most modern capitals in Asia, and perhaps in the entire world. Here, you can find lots of things to do and visit, and you will also learn a lot about Japan and its history. Besides, the Internet is very fast, meaning you will be able to work with no issues.
Plus, if you are into making stock investments, Tokyo and Japan overall have shown to have better stocks to buy as compared to the United States. The gain is somewhere at 15%, compared to the U.S. and other Asian countries that only sport a 10%.
4. Siem Reap, Cambodia
Siem Reap is a town in Cambodia, and it has a beauty that you will hardly find anywhere else. This destination is amazing for digital nomads as it has several outstanding bakeries and cafes where you can sit and do your job. It makes work more fun, especially with some delicious food next to you.
5. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Malaysia’s capital is full of life, and it is also one of the cheapest cities in Asia. It’s a very clean city, and it gives you the chance to learn about different cultures. Here, you can meet people of different ethnicities and discover their exciting stories. If you’re a digital nomad, you’ll find plenty of spots where you can do your work for the day.
6. Koh Phangan, Thailand
If you want to enjoy Thailand’s beaches, Koh Phangan is a great place. The turquoise water and sandy beach will be enough to take all your worries away, and you may even work while sitting on the beach (talking about living the best life!).
Nothing is more relaxing than working while listening to the sound of the waves and feeling the blowing wind in your hair. There is also an increasing number of cafes and hostels with fast Wi-Fi, making it easy for you to complete your tasks.
Charts also say that the stock exchange in Thailand is convenient for digital nomads. You have multiple companies to invest in, and mixed with the quick Internet connection in the country, you can earn money while relaxing.
Final Thoughts
As a digital nomad, you cannot miss out on these beautiful Asian places. They can offer everything you need: good food, beautiful scenery, amazing history, fast Internet connection, and friendly people. So, which location will you choose?

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